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  • rudigerschussler

3 June 2023 - Championship decider! was one of those weird days where you feel: What actually just happened? In a racing incident in the first round I was shoved off the track and my sprocket bent also damaging the chain. Couldn't finish round 1, in round 2 (after replacing the sprocket and chain) something else was wrong and the chain came flying off, so couldn't finish round 2... In round 3 I just decided to let rip and I won that round by 12 seconds!!!!! I was flying in my Tillotson nr 22 and had a fantastic time! Unfortunately the incident in round 1 caused me to not gather points for the first 2 rounds and I had to settle for 2nd in the Championship for Tillotson Senior for 2023. A huge honour for me was to be voted the 'Senior Driver of the Year' by the other drivers of Tillotson South Africa, wow, thanks you guys and gals, that really means a lot!!!

I learn from this wonderful sport every single day and every single race, so no race (finished or not) is ever wasted! Now I have been selected to represent South Africa again in Valencia, Spain in September 2023 this year at the T4 Nation's Cup, so all I want to say is!!! Let's go racing!!!

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